Nature Journaling Mentor

The Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Mentor Program is for experienced nature journaling educators and/or business owners who want to share their expertise to help mentor, encourage, and support new nature journaling educators. 

Note: This is a volunteer program; no compensation is included.

How to Become a Nature Journaling Mentor

  1. Sign up to become a Wild Wonder Mentor (free).

  2. Complete an online mentor training program. We will provide you with a list of free and/or fee-based online mentoring workshops from which you can choose; most can be completed in one day.

  3. Working with our team, set up a mentorship program that is best suited to your skills and time. We will have a section on our community forum (to launch by 6/1/24) where you can meet up with prospective mentees online. Examples include (but are not limited to):

    • One-on-one mentoring—work with one person over a set period of time

    • Group mentoring—accept a certain number of mentees and meet regularly (can be at any interval you choose: monthly or quarterly, for example)

    • In-person mentoring—find people in your region and work directly with them

  4. Report back to us annually and share about your experience, how many mentees you worked with, and the outcomes.

  5. We will send you a Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Mentor button and sticker (featuring the mushroom art above by Kate Rutter).

Sign up now to become a NATURE JOURNALING MENTOR