About the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference

Founded in 2019, this annual international nature journaling conference—the largest event of its kind—is attended by journalers from around the world. Each year, we feature leading educators and innovators in nature journaling, visual thinking, science, art, nature connection, and conservation.

This event gathers people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in nature’s beauty.

Art For the Wild Wonder Conference

John Muir Laws creates original art for the each Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference.

History of the Wild Wonder Conference

The first Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference was held in 2019 at the Mott Training Center on the campus of Asilomar in Pacific Grove, CA. That first year featured 18 teachers, 78 different classes and field trips, two happy hours, and three evening lectures. (We have recordings from some of the keynote speakers in 2019—see below.)

In 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, we held the event online—and it featured 5 full days and 30+ speakers and teachers offering a rich schedule of classes, workshops, and lectures. The online event became very popular as people did not have to take the time or spend the funds to travel, and it enabled the event to reach a global audience of more than 1,000 attendees each year. The annual conference is now a cornerstone event of the Wild Wonder Foundation.

Past presenters include leading teachers, journalers, writers, artists, authors, and thought leaders in nature, nature journaling, nature writing, visual thinking, and conservation such as John Muir Laws, Amy Tan, Richard Louv, Catherine Hamilton, Douglas Tallamy, Wendy Macnaughton, Rosemary Mosco, Rosalie Haizlett, Clare Walker Leslie, J. Drew Lanham, and Julie Zickfoose, among many others.  

Wild Wonder Archive

Wild Wonder 2019 Keynote Recordings:

Wild Wonder 2022 Archive

We will share additional Wild Wonder archived events soon.

Conference Partner: The Foster Museum

We are grateful for the generous ongoing support of The Foster Museum, which has helped make this event possible each year.

The mission of The Foster Museum is to unite and celebrate artist-explorer Tony Foster’s watercolor wilderness Journeys and inspire connection to art and the natural world.

We welcome additional sponsors. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please email us,